
ORC: Moonrise Kingdom Inspired Bathroom Reveal

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It’s the reveal week for the One Room Challenge, so it’s pretty much like Christmas day in blog land! There are so many beautiful rooms to check out.

Today, I’m sharing my Moonrise Kingdom-inspired bathroom that I’ve been working on for 6 long weeks.

moonrise kingdom inspired bathroom

If you’re new here, we bought our house in central Maryland about 2 years ago. We’ve been working non-stop to update it and make it feel more like us. In the spring, we completed our kid’s treehouse and now we’ve completed a bathroom!

Week 1: The plans

Week 2: Shiplap in a bathroom and tile progress

Week 3: Shopping purchases

Week 4: Stenciling tips

Week 5: How to build industrial pipe shelves

Bathroom Before

Before image of Bathroom

When we first bought the house, it was filled with wallpaper and dark wood tones. Luckily the tub and tile were nice and in good condition. White tile in a tub is always going to be a good thing.              

Bathroom shower curtain

I made some temporary changes by removing the wallpaper and painting. We eventually replaced the vanity, so we were left with a hole in the vinyl flooring where the old one used to sit. This hole combined with messy kids meant that it needed to be fixed.

Moonrise Kingdom Inspired Bathroom Plans

Bathroom update

The bathroom plans were inspired by the lovely kitsch of Camp Wandawega and the colors from the movie, Moonrise Kingdom.

Bathroom: After

Bathroom after picture

It’s come such a long way!

New Bathroom curtain

The shower curtain was my starting point. The details and colors are so perfect. To me, it’s almost like a big piece of art.

Bonus feature: you can learn the Latin names for flora and fauna while in the bathroom!

Tiled Bathroom floor

I love the shower curtain so much with the tile. The tile has subtle stripes that remind me of linen. It’s so much better than the gross vinyl flooring from before.

Bathroom trim
A close up of the tile and shiplap before I caulked.

The tile always looks clean, even though we have black lab that sheds like crazy.

Wall decor

The stenciled walls provide such a happy backdrop for all of the other elements.

The bunny light switch never fails to delight me. An item that is used this much should be beautiful!

The paint by number art is so amazing. The picture is printed on the wood and the edge is painted a lovely shiny gold.

Towel rack

I made the sunprint art with leaves from the trees in my backyard. The paper turned such a pretty color of blue! The art is meaningful and will always remind me of autumn in Maryland.

Mirror and light fixtures

I painted the existing mirror green to match the shiplap. I like how you can see most of the art in this picture.

Bathroom sink

The leaf plate is a thrift store find. It has the prettiest crackle in the glaze. It’s there to hold random hair bands, bracelets, and stray Legos.

Bathroom overview

The new toilet is so easy to clean (I’m sure moms of boys can appreciate that!)

The industrial shelves add storage as well as a place for display. It’s my mini cabinet of curiosity! We also added bamboo blinds to make guests feel more comfortable.

Industrial pipe shelves

I added a few fun items for display here, like this skull that my dog brought me. Isn’t she sweet?

colorful bathroom makeover

I’m so glad that this bathroom is finished. (We must be crazy because we’re starting another one this weekend! From scratch! Like there aren’t even walls built yet… Eek!)

Be sure to check out the reveals from the featured designers and all of the guest participants as well!


Moonrise Kingdom Inspired Bathroom Sources:

This post contains affiliate links. By purchasing an item through an affiliate link, I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Wall color: Benjamin Moore Wickham Gray

Shiplap paint color: Ralph Lauren Felt Green

Door paint color: Sherwin Williams Flannel Gray

Coral stencil | Tips for Stenciling Post



Vanity (similar)


Light switch and electrical plate


Pipe shelves | Tutorial

Bamboo blinds

Paint by number art

Shower curtain

Sun print art paper | Tutorial

Butterfly art

Frames | Home Goods (similar)

Towel bar set

Door knob

Mirror |Home Goods (similar)


Glass mushroom | Home Goods 

Snail planter | Vintage 

Owl planter | Home Goods (similar)

Gold mushroom

Audubon Field Guide to Insects

Unidentified animal skull | gift 

Birch candle

Basket | Home Goods (similar)

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  1. Emmy! This is a space after my heart!!!! Do you want to do a Wes Anderson inspired home decor blog hop with me a few other bloggers?! Let me know 🙂

  2. Wow, Emy, it really all came together so beautifully! The stencil is subtle enough to blend yet still a feature! The shower curtain is so fun! I love the warmth the bamboo blinds add and you know I adore your industrial pipe shelves! Gorgeous!!!!!

  3. Emy…you did it! Doesn’t it feel good? That shower curtain is just lovely…you could do so many things with it! It looks great with the tile floor and the green wall. And I love those shelves you put together. All in all, I’m thinking that going to the loo is a lovely experience in your house.

    Hugs, lYnn

  4. Emy, this turned out so great! The tile is obviously awesome 😉 but I am so crazy for the green shiplap- the whole room is so special!

  5. There is so much love in this room! Starting with the showy curtain is a great idea! I totally have toilet envy. I really love the wall stencil. It’s very soothing. I love all the handmade art and the curiosities shelf. Stunning@

  6. Oh my goodness, I just love this! Especially the Moonrise Kingdom inspiration – love Wes Anderson! I recently completed a Royal Tenenbaums-inspired kitchen makeover over here myself 🙂 Love your choices in this space! Wonderful job!

  7. Those walls!! That shiplap!! That floor!! Wow! I am just loving this entire room reveal! Congrats on an awesome job!

  8. What a cheerful and bright space. I absolutely love your use of color- and all of the creative touches. I just used a bright green in my sons bathroom and love it.

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