
How to Get Rid of Hard Water Deposits

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One of the items on my to-do list for the One Room Challenge was to figure out a way to get rid of the hard water stains in the bath tub. For a while, bar keepers friend was keeping it at bay, but it hasn’t been effective for a while. Other the weekend, I found the solution and it is so easy. Step away from the vinegar! Put away the baking soda. You don’t need salt either! This solution for getting rid of hard water deposits is much easier!

Hard water deposits are no joke. After trying every chemical possible and failing, I found the easiest solution. Best of all, it's chemical free!!

I started by searching on Pinterest for a solution. Everyone advises vinegar and other kitchen concoctions. And I tried them. But all they did was make my bathroom smell like pickles. So then, I scoured the internet looking for chemical solutions. Move over homemade remedies! This is a job for chemicals. But I came up short in my searches. I still had a weird blue line around the tub. I was starting to think that maybe the finish on my porcelain tub had eroded. The dollar signs were adding up in my head. In the mean time, my daughter was starting to complain about the scratchy stuff on the bath tub. No matter how many times I cleaned it, the hard water stains remained. It looked dirty no matter what.

So I did what any desperate person does when internet solutions fail them. I headed to the hardware store to buy more cleaning products. I filled the cart with them (exaggeration: I only bought 2) before a friendly employee asked me if I needed help. She said that Lime-away should work, but if not, I should try this product. I expected her to grab a bottle of CLR (which I had already tried! Duh!) Instead of a bottle, she handed me a box. I didn’t know it at the time, but that box contained a magical product.

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The Best Way to Clean Hard Water Deposits

Hard water deposits are no joke. After trying every chemical possible and failing, I found the easiest solution. Best of all, it's chemical free!!

In this magic box, is a pumice stone. Just add water and scrub, the directions said. Could such a simple product be the answer to all of my woes?

I took it out of the package and started scrubbing. The noise was almost unbearable.

Hard water deposits are no joke. After trying every chemical possible and failing, I found the easiest solution. Best of all, it's chemical free!!


The hard water stains were disappearing! In about 5 minutes, my bath tub was shiny and beautiful. I was so excited. So I scrubbed the drain pieces with the same results. I was amazed! No harsh chemicals needed! No expensive tub restoration needed!

Hard water deposits are no joke. After trying every chemical possible and failing, I found the easiest solution. Best of all, it's chemical free!!

If you tackle your tub hard water stains, be sure to let everyone in the house know. You should also INSIST that they go look. Yes, right now. Then you should bring it up constantly for the next few days. Because, you my friend are amazing and deserve all the pats on the back!

They even work on your hard water deposits in the toilet! If sticking your hand in a toilet grosses you out, don’t worry! They make one on a stick as well!


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  1. i have tried the pumice stick and that doesn’t work for me either. I’ve tried just about everything you could imagine.

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